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Blog Mistress
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I am an Aries. Well known for their headstrong nature. Warm hearted, concerned about appearances in the social and personal sense, Committed to what they believe in , Courageous , Born Leader.

Aries Greatest Strength: Courage to overcome fear Aries Possible Weakness:Not finishing things you start

A Full time working MUM with a little miracle born to them on 2nd March 2009. A simple woman living in her simple world with the man of her dreams since 2004.

A place where I kept my little rumbles, little details of my simple life.

Her Favourites- Cooking, Mahjong, Facebooking & Blogging !

Foodie Trails

Mistress Friends

Her Archives

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Nap time

The lil mischief refusing his nap and insisting on me carrying him. Look at where his pair of legs are dangling from. Looks like its high time to source for a bed.


Salmon Cheese Mushroom Baked Rice

It has always been a big headache getting the lil boy to eat his meal. He is like hamster which means he would pocket all his food in his mouth and it could be as torturing as 30 mins not getting anything in. But last night dinner was a breeze. He finished every single grain of it quickly. Guess I should be more hardworking and work more on his recipe since I guess he is beginning to get really sick of the usual porridge meals.

Salmon Cheese Mushroom Baked Rice Recipe

Brown Button Mushroom (chopped them up into fine pieces)
Salmon x 3 small piece (toddler's share)
Cheese (any brand will do but I used parmese cheese which is available in my fridge)
Rice 1/4 cup
Unsalted Butter
Nan Pro 3 milk powder 40 mls
(No salt is needed since I think the butter and cheese contain sodium and tasted strong enough)

1) Cooked the rice like you usually do.
2) Heat up the unsalted butter in the pan and fry the mushroom. Then put in the salmon to pan-fry for a min and put aside.
3) Heat up the butter again and fry the cooked rice in the pan to give it a fragrance taste.
4) Lay the fried rice in the aluminium container and placed the salmon and mushroom on top.
5) Shred the cheese if you are using a whole piece and placed it on top.
6) Pour in the milk evenly on the rice.
7) Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and placed it in to bake for 10-15 mins.

 And you will have a healthy and nutritious baked rice for your junior !


Wednesday, July 28, 2010
One Dish Meal

Housework always seems to be never ending. Hence I tried to cook one dish meal for both of us since its simple and oil free ! Most importantly, I need not be busily cooking and running in and out of the kitchen checking on our lil mischief !

And tonight is quick and easy 卤肉饭 for the old man and I.

Simple and yummylicious !


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Grocery Shopping !

Daddy scolded me for buying such a girly toy for him. But it teaches him activities of daily living. I find it quite educational and most importantly, he enjoys playing it !

Rock Star in the making.
This was totally unexpected as I bought it because its cheap but when Daddy asked me why did I get this for lil boy ? I told him because he can start practising how to Lang Sai and can earn some money during CNY next time. Haha

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Toy Fair at Taka - Our Loots

Fortunately Daddy is on mc today and he is so sweet to offer to drive us down even though he is not feeling well. Glad that he came along or else the taxi driver will faint at the sight of my loots !

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Monday, July 26, 2010
Toy Fair at Taka

14th Craziest Toy Sale

Wed 14 Jul to Sun 1 Aug

Great toys. Great prices. It doesn’t get any crazier than this!!

Ad from Taka

Alot of mummies are sharing their great buys on forum hence I am so tempted to dash down last weekend but my weekend is so packed therefore am determined to bring the boy down town to choose his toy tomorrow.I declared to Daddy that tomorrow is a off day for me. No cooking and housework day. Ha.. I even set aside cab fare for our return trip if I get too carried away. Haha
Determined to attack the fair !!!

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

I placed this on my home screen and profile pic to give me some motivation for the long journey. And hubby actually intended to bring me to Triple Three for buffet tomorrow. I am glad it has been called off .
I can actually save some calories ! :)


Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Happy Boy

I am easily satisfied !

Give me playhouse disney and I will be a happy boy all day long.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Karihome Sweeties

Saw this at NTUC yesterday when I was doing my grocery shopping. Was amazed by the vitamins it had , however the price do puts me off a little. But still bought it eventually as lil boy wasn't a big fan of milk so I guess its a good supplement for daily calcium intake.

Anyway he loves it !

And the instruction says take 3-10 pieces a time. I was still wondering can he finish it in a month's time since it can only last for a month once open to ensure its freshness.

But I think if this carries on, I need to replenish the stock next week.

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Nan Pro 3 Formula

There is a change in the manufacturing country and we were not informed !

See article.

Now I suspect his bloatedness is related to the foaming from the milk powder. Hubby and I are scouting out for new milk powder for the lil boy after he had finished this batch.

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The journey begins again

People whom had known me since my secondary school years should know that I had been a plump girl ever since I am a teenager. I blame it on my lifestyle and also genetic factors for my built.

But before my big day around 2006 November, I decided I needed to look good on my big day. So I started on a long journey of dieting.

From this:

Transforming :

And this was the slimmest time of my life:

And I could not gone beyond this.

But I told myself my aim is to be healthy and not super model so actually I am quite satisfied with my result.

However after childbirth, I had transformed myself back into this:



Hence I decided to embark on another journey again though this time is going to be even tougher as I do not have my big day as a motivation. And sticking on strictly to my previous dieting regime is a killer for me now as I cannot be too extreme since I need energy to deal with my naughty toddler too. Hence I decided to exercise more and eat lesser (as in to start with less carbs) . Hopefully can see tiny weeny bit of results in two months time to give me motivation to carry on.

I want to post another set of recent dieting journey pics at the end of this year.


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Trying hard to fight away my tears.



Friday, July 16, 2010
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse HOT DOG Dance

The lil boy's favourite dance

Lil things that make my day

I have to admit the lil rascal does drive me crazy nowadays ever since he finished his school term. But it is a joy seeing his lil actions when he is playing with himself or with us.

Pretend Play:
Nowadays he likes to imitate me feeding him and would put his lil finger in my mouth pretending to feed me. So Mummy just played along with him and tell him his finger is delicious and he would smile and continue feeding me. He loves to try feeding himself too though most of the time with my assistance as I am not prepared to clear up the aftermath from his meals.

Hugging and Kissing:
He had learnt hugging and kissing lately. Most probably from me as I enjoyed hugging and kissing him in bed at least 10-15 mins every morning we wake up. So one evening , when we were watching TV, he walked over to me , hugged my head and starting to kiss me all over my face. Daddy saw this and came over to him and said can you kiss Daddy too ? He pushed his Daddy away and continued kissing my head til I told him Mummy surrender ! haha. As I am having a flooded face with saliva all over me. Daddy told me he was jealous. :p

Though my life is now as simple as can be, but these are the lil things that make my day and making my memories of a SAHM simple yet fulfilling. :)

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Vitagen Less Sugar

The previous visit to the PD, he suggested introducing probiotics to the lil boy. I did think of introducing vitagen to the lil boy earlier but because he had not mastered the skill of drinking with a straw at that time, I started him on Yogurt instead.

Ever since he started mastering the art of drinking from a straw, I been wanting to introduce Vitagen to him much to the horror of my mother in law. (According to her, eating Yogurt and Vitagen will cause cough to lil ones and also they would not put on weight due to the probiotics.) One of the benefit of being a SAHM is you can decide on the meal plans of your lil one. This post is not about bitching behind MIL but I do agree with her point too hence I try to introduce probiotics to him every other day.

His expression tells it all.
He enjoys it so much that nowadays we got to hide in the kitchen to finish up our Vitagen as he would make a din at the sight of it.


Thursday, July 15, 2010
Lunch today !

Alpha Pasta with French Beans and Minced Meat.
Creamy Cheese Sauce as the topping.

Mummy is trying very hard to introduce french beans to him. But the naughty boy only finished the creamy cheese sauce and pasta. For french beans, they had an affair with the floor after his meal. :(


Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Taiwan 2010

Finally it has been confirmed ! Hubby is bringing me far far away this November :)

We are going to Taiwan ! Although the initial plan was to go Hong Kong for a short and budget trip. But Hubby decided to pamper ourselves since we had been good parents and had not travelled for 3 years already. (My last far far away trip was our Honeymoon trip to Japan.)

After we booked the package, he was abit worried and asked me " Are you unhappy that we are going Taiwan since we were actually planning for Hong Kong? " I was dumbfounded. How sweet was he ! I told him " Of course not ! I am already on cloud 9 when you promise to bring me out of SG. Anywhere in the world is fine with me (except india or blangadesh lah) ! "

But we decided to be bad parents and leave our boy to my in laws. Hubby is reluctant to bring him overseas at such a tender age. So sorry baby. Mummy will compensate you by doing more shopping on your behalf. (Fortunately my old man don't read my blog, or else he would go and cancel the package after reading this paragraph.)



Anna's Wedding

My first time attending a vegetarian wedding in a temple. But it was romantic, solemn and sacred.

Make me miss my wedding 3 years ago.


The beautiful couple. Anna my poly classmate with her husband.

Congratulations !!

The solemnisation ceremony.

The romantic balloons that filled the whole room

The yummy vegetarian cuisine.

And a great catch up session with my poly mates !


Iphone 4

Saw this news on my home screen.

Click here for more details.

I guess my old man would be super elated to see this as he would have ample reasons to ask me keep my 3GS for the moment.


Sunday, July 11, 2010
Durian Phobia

We tried introducing the King of Fruits to our lil boy last week. On the two occasion, the lil boy ran away at the smell of it. And I tried to let him taste it, he puke at the taste of it.

MIL commented that he might have Durian Phobia when he grew older since some of my nephews who refuse to try Durian when they were younger hates Durian when they grew up.

This spells like a bad news to Daddy and Mummy as both of us are avid Durian Lovers.

Guess we had to squat in the toilet to enjoy the King of Fruits next time.


Saturday, July 10, 2010
Close Shave !

We had a bad scare tonight.

Our lil boy was walking around after dinner and suddenly he fell flat on the floor. Daddy picked him up and he was oozing from his mouth. Daddy panicked and kept scolding the lil boy- saying why u keeping running never listen to daddy and etc. My silly old man.. how would a 16 month old understand and he was already screaming in tears , how could he possibly hear him ?

*shakes head*.

Even though I was a nurse, but seeing him in blood got me panicky too. Quickly applied direct pressure and checked the cut. Fortunately was not deep and bleeding stopped after sometime. Old man still ranting away, got me fed up and asked him to shut up. Sometimes men can be more naggy than women.

What a close shave...

Really cannot let our eye off the kids now even for a second.


Friday, July 9, 2010
Growing Up

I actually teared while scrolling through my iphone and watching these little video clips..He is really growing up... 

From a crawling baby, to a smiley toddler..

To a Mambo Prince...

Time really flies past fast, I didn't realise my boy is already a 16 month old.

To me, he is forever a newborn.

Darling, in mummy's heart no matter how old you are, you are always my baby.

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Monday, July 5, 2010









































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