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Blog Mistress
I am an Aries. Well known for their headstrong nature.
Warm hearted, concerned about appearances in the social and personal sense, Committed to what they believe in , Courageous , Born Leader.
Aries Greatest Strength: Courage to overcome fear Aries Possible Weakness:Not finishing things you start A Full time working MUM with a little miracle born to them on 2nd March 2009. A simple woman living in her simple world with the man of her dreams since 2004. A place where I kept my little rumbles, little details of my simple life. Her Favourites- Cooking, Mahjong, Facebooking & Blogging ! Foodie Trails
Mistress Friends
Her Archives
March 2010
April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 July 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 January 2012 February 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 June 2013
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Long weekends
Long weekends is coming again and this month we have two long weekends. One for this week as Hubby got an extra day off for Monday and another on 28th of May. I heart long weekends although it doesn't really make any difference for me now. :p But at least we get to plan activities to do together. *excited* Labels: Mummy Bean
Friday, April 23, 2010
Lil Princess Kaylynn
Met up with Lay Har on Tuesday after my dental check up since I am having a day off on that day which Hubby named it 煮妇的假期. -_- My very lame husband. Anyway it has been a good 2 years or more since we last met and catch up. Both of us are already into motherhood now. Her pretty princess- Kaylynn Goh 90% replica of her Daddy which her mummy is so jealous about. My old pal with her princess Auntie , enough already ? Mummy, please save me ! From poly classmates, to colleagues and now fellow mummies friends, it has been a long way for us and I am glad I had made an effort for a meet up at her place. A great catching up and sharing session. Hope the next time can bring my little prince along to play with her little princess. =) Labels: Friends, Mummy Bean
Teething is a torturous process !
Favian has been running a temperature since Tuesday. His temperature is like a roller coaster ride for me. Happy and high in the morning , sad and worried in the evening. Hence hasn't been able to update as I am busily trying to force medicine, food and milk down his throat. Brought him to see a doctor and was just prescribed Brufen and nothing more since teething is suspected to be the main culprit. Favian looked so drain by this teething process and Mummy too. I hoped this torturous process would be over very soon. Labels: baby
Monday, April 19, 2010
Happy Birthday Daddy Lam (Surprises Part)
We had a great date on saturday leaving Favian with my MIL. Although I did feel a bit guilty leaving Favian out from the fun. ( Ok..at least I was feeling a bit guilty =p ) This was the 1st surprise which cost me a few days of marketing fund. :p But its all worthwhile cos it is super yummylicious. His favourite black forest cake combined with cheese - The combination was heavenly ! I hid this in a fridge on Friday night, eve before his birthday and as he was working overtime, he din expect I would still have the energy for surprises since I am so tied up with the lil boy. Did I mention I always have to wait for him til the wee hours on his birthday ? All these years he always got to work overtime on his birthdays. I told him he was borned on a wrong date for the wrong profession. :p His 2nd surprise: Ignorant him whom not sure of what is going to happen for our night's date, which failed due to bad weather as I had actually planned to dine with him at Fish & Co the glass house as Fish & Chips have been his all time big favourite. But eventually we managed to park our car at PS (yes our fav pak tor place when we were younger and where we first started) and I changed the venue to Manhatten since both are famous for their Fish & Chips. His last surprise for his birthday: A 3D movie treat by me since I had been cracking my brain to do an activity which can only be done without our lil boy that would be movie or k-box. Hence I chose movie since sci-fic shows has always been his favourite which turn out awesome for storyline but 3D effects is just soso. Glad that he had enjoyed our night out very much and he told me when we were on our way home, we could do this more often ! haha... Bad parents !
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Happy Birthday Daddy Lam !
to our most caring and greatest Daddy Lam. You are the best ! Thank you for working so hard to give Mummy & Baby a happy life at home. Hope you like the lil surprises and small celebration we had for you. Heart you lots ! From: Mummy Bean & Baby Favian
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Baby Meals
Cooking for a baby is definitely not an easy task. You have to think of 101 way to make the porridge tasty without seasoning. And eventually he might not even eat it.
·Most important ingredient for my way of cooking tasty porridge is the stock. I would use either dry scallops, soya bean or ikan bilis with corn , carrot and potatoes. Well I cannot say this soup stock is very tasty as ikan bilis are much more flavourful than soya beans but you can't deny the nutritious content of it. That metal thing that I bought from NTUC is super useful for brewing soup. And you get tasty porridge ! All natural flavours. At least to me its tasty. Its always so hard to resist the left overs from his feeds. And you still need to process it. To make it edible for the junior. And the end result ? The above pic shows it all ! But actually it isn't always the case. Do expect some disappointments along the way when you see them turn away from the food which at the same time means that effort gone down the drain. But perseverance is the key to satisfy your baby's tummy. And I am still persevering. =) Labels: baby
Monday, April 12, 2010
1st Swimming Experience
Favian had his 1st dip in the pool on Saturday ! First he was reluctant , and then he gave it a try, in the end he was reluctant too but was too reluctant to leave ! Look at his happy face. Daddy say we will try to make it a fornightly activity if possible. =) Labels: baby
Sunday, April 11, 2010
I am on cloud 9 now. After much persuasion and psycho-ing from me, Hubby had given the green light for us to go for Photoshoot ! Its hard for him to come up with this decision since he dreads photoshooting and he thought its really a waste of money. This shows how much he loves our lil boy. :) So now I am going to proceed with the liasing and etc with the photographer. Looking forward to it. Stay tuned for the updates. Yippie !
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Our "Daughter"
Hee..this is uber fun ! Went to morph our pictures using their application and I must say at least our daughter don't look like an Alien.
·Introducing our "daughter", Chloe Ng ( If I ever have a daughter I would name her Chloe. Cause I am so in love with this name) : Does "she" actually share some resemblance with her brother ? Ok. I can just say she is too ang moh looking. If my daughter ever look like this, I think her daddy would want her to go for a DNA check. :p P.S: Want to know how your future babies look like or make babies with celebraties? Click here. Labels: Fun, Mummy Bean
Friday, April 9, 2010
Yesterday when I passed by Giordano, I saw this "typical" Mummy. Definition of "Typical" in my dictionary is the kind of mummy that is from our era ? Whom speaks chinese and gives u the image that she might bargain in Giordano. Got an idea on my definition? Anyway their conversation was like this: Daughter (around 13-14 years old) speaking in Chinese: "Mummy, I want this black t-shirt." Typical Mummy replying in Chinese: " Why you always buy this kind of t shirt huh ? Very nice meh ? U had alot of it already and still want to buy ?! " Daughter sulking away:" But this is not the same.... " Typical Mummy: " What not the same ? Its the same what !! Black t shirt just the pattern different only mah ! " I was wondering to myself , what kind of mummy would I want myself to be in 10 years time ? When Favian starts requesting for things but yet I can't acede to his request every now and then or else he would take things for granted. Will I just shut him off with the lame excuse like that Mummy ? Or should I just be his friend and listen to his reasons on why he would like me to get the things for him ? Actually I do envy one of my friend who shared a friendly bonding with his mum. Like even til this age, he would hold his mother's hand whenever they are out shopping or hug each other when we were playing mahjong. I would really like to share this kind of relationship with Favian as I was brought up in a typical way and I would imagine myself sharing this kind of bonding with my mum when I was a teenager. However I never manage to bring myself to do so even til now. It might be too early for me to go in depth to this issue now but I am glad at least I start reflecting and targeting now. It is always good to be an early bird. :) Labels: baby, Mummy Bean
Disney Wonders
As you can see I just change my blog skin (yet again) to a more childish theme. It is inspired by my little boy since he had been treating his baby mickey nicer than his mum (yes I am jealous! ) and anyway this blog is mostly about myself and him hence Mickey fits the bill so well ! Since I started the topic on mickey, shall post some happy pics associated with Mickey. My Idols since I was a little girl and I still admire them, cos they live happily ever after since 1928. Everlasting 银幕情侣. I finally get to meet Mickey in person during our honeymoon. And we very much want to introduce him to Favian in person when Favian gets older. Disneyland is really a wonderland. It just makes everyone regardless young or old feels so happy when you are in it. (Even though u take forever to queue for a ride) I really miss the magical castle. And the fun of wearing silly headbands walking around the wonderland without getting funny stares. I think we should start saving up for Favian's wonderland trip as Mama can't wait to visit the wonderland and the Land of Rising Sun again ! Labels: Mummy Bean, Travel, Wishlist
Sunday, April 4, 2010
宝贝: PS我爱你
PS我爱你 P.S.我爱你 歌手:黄丽玲 专辑:天生歌姬 我想要成为你的眼 把最美的风景 收进你的 心中 我想要成为你的手 好让我从现在到以后占有你温柔一刻不放过 恨不得把明天没收 让你永远不会变动 专注的爱着我 我爱你没有保留 我爱你就到最后 有些人值得等候 有些悲伤值得忍受 我爱你不是冲动 生命尽头霸占一场空 只要你记得我们那么爱过 我要替你收集笑容 怕未来 快乐变得贵重 要是少了我你有多寂寞 恨不得把明天没收 让你永远不会变动 专注的爱着我 我爱你没有保留 我爱你就到最后 有些人值得等候 有些悲伤值得忍受 我爱你不是冲动 生命尽头霸占一场空 只要你记得我们那么爱过 太阳不会放弃天空 哪怕你不再属于我 我会在不同的窗口给你拥抱 我爱你没有保留 我爱你就到最后 有些人值得等候 有些悲伤值得忍受 我爱你不是冲动 生命尽头霸占一场空 只要你记得我们那么爱过 我忘不掉你第一次吻我 很简单的MV...却感人的说出母亲的心声 Labels: baby, Mummy Bean
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Polliwogs Fun !
I had longed wanted to bring Favian to an indoor playground to drain out all his everlasting energy but we never had a chance to do so. Hence I suggested to Daddy why not bring him there since there is a long weekend this week and we din regret our choice. All of us had a great workout and funtime there with him and without worrying for his safety. Our lil boy is so happy. Drowning in a pool of balls. See how tire he is in the last collage. But after he reached home, he seems to be recharged and energised himself again. *shakes head* My lil Duracell. |