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Blog Mistress
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I am an Aries. Well known for their headstrong nature. Warm hearted, concerned about appearances in the social and personal sense, Committed to what they believe in , Courageous , Born Leader.

Aries Greatest Strength: Courage to overcome fear Aries Possible Weakness:Not finishing things you start

A Full time working MUM with a little miracle born to them on 2nd March 2009. A simple woman living in her simple world with the man of her dreams since 2004.

A place where I kept my little rumbles, little details of my simple life.

Her Favourites- Cooking, Mahjong, Facebooking & Blogging !

Foodie Trails

Mistress Friends

Her Archives

Friday, September 30, 2011
My 1st Exam after 7 years

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By the time this post is published, I think I am either pulling my hair out in the exam hall or praying to Guanyin Ma to bless me with all her blessings to help me get through this exam.

Just breathe and I am sure I will reap what I sow !


Thursday, September 29, 2011
Uniqlo Loungewear

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So in love with this comfy n cheap Uniqlo Loungewear. Cheap n affordable n keeps me warm in air con room at night. Going to La Senza or Marks n Spencer Can easily cost you a bomb on one set of pyjamas. When I came out of the bathroom, hubby commented "where r u going ? Why are you wearing so nice?" LOL. You can imagine his reaction when I told him its pyjamas. His tiny eyes nearly fell out !

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos I am so going to be back and grab a few more sets !!! ☆彡



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超可爱的汽车贴纸。宝贝一看到就嚷着"Daddy, Mummy, Baby !!!! " 他们还有爷爷奶奶及大哥哥的贴纸。超爱他的爸妈贴纸,手上的道具完全形容了我们一家。 ♪( ´▽`)


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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Received an sms from my ex colleague last night to organise a trip to Kukup. The last time we had a short getaway is when Favian was 2 month old. And we sure had truck loads of fun as the company was great ! My sweet hubby agree almost immediately since the date was right after my exams so treat it as a post exam retreat. Praying hard that the trip would go on as plan as I hardly had chance to go overseas with my own frens or a short getaway.

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Kukup is a small fishing village located about forty kilometres southwest of Johor Bahru, in the district of Pontian, Johor, on the Strait of Malacca in Malaysia. It is famous for its open-air seafood restaurants built on stilts over the water. Some of the restaurants are geared for tour groups, and it is particularly popular with tourists from Singapore. Regularly scheduled ferries connect Kukup with Tanjung Balai in Indonesia.[Source:Wikipedia]

Looking really forward to November for a fun trip to end the eventful year !



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孩子们总是能够这样的不分国籍,宗族的嬉闹在一起。如果大人也能这样的把彼此的城府抛在脑后,日子是佛没那么的难受。最近参加了一场新中连亲的婚宴。 在喜宴上,因为彼此的文化背景的差异,搞得男女双方不欢而散。整晚喜宴风波不断,真是为难了两位新人。我想如果双方能不要执着在某些点上,或许这场婚宴的结局会美一些,也为他们俩留下美丽的回忆。
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P.S: 献给华语不行及"屁股"到极点的两位 ☆〜(ゝ。∂)

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Coffee Addict

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I remember during my Poly days, I used to laugh at one of my classmate who will desperately sneak out of lecture just to get her coffee fix.

I never can understand why is she constantly doing that daily til now when I become a coffee addict myself. I literally had a before and after effect. During my revision these few days, I forgotten to get my coffee fix in the morning and I was literally dozing off and yawning away like a drug addict ! After I had succumbed to the calling of coffee, I literally was wide awake and practically more efficient in my revision ! Oh my... I didn't know I was this addicted to my daily morning dose !

And on a side note, the normal kopitiam coffee could no longer satisfy my coffee desire. Yes..my taste is this atas... Either a good cup of moccha or a cup of Kopi from either Wang Cafe or Ya Kun Toast.

I guess I need to start setting a side some spare cash for coffee fund monthly. (^_−)−☆


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

每个大人心中都有一颗童真的心,我也不例外。总喜欢把自己的办公桌增添一点小玩意儿,让繁忙的生活,添加一点色彩。把平凡的一天,变成七彩缤纷的一天。 Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
超可爱的椅垫! Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
小猪的印章! Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

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Saturday, September 24, 2011
The best part about work

What is the best part about work ?

  • You have a great team to slog til the wee hours of the night and you don't feel that you are actually working over time.
  • You have great lunch kakis.
  • You have colleagues who you can rely as a friend.
Aren't I lucky or what ?

I have all three. 
So I love my work ! :)


Thursday, September 22, 2011
Shoppaholic in the making

I have been a known shoppaholic. But look who is my next successor in line after Queen Shoppaholic?

King Shoppaholic aka Drama King.

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Monday, September 19, 2011
Celebrity Friend

My celebrity friend - Kester Lim. Cleo Gym Instructor for the month of Oct. Wants to attend his classes ? Please pm me for more details. :p


Sunday, September 18, 2011
In love with you

At times like this, I really miss the days when its just the two of us and nobody else. But I am glad although I have been busy lately (due to work and school commitments), my boy hasn't forget the bond we share together. The small gestures of hugging on to my leg, insisting on holding my hand when we were out shopping or taking a train ride together are motivation to perk me up after a long day at work or school.

I am just so in love with you my little precious.



Been reading up on these inspiring life quotes to get myself going in life.

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Its just a passing rain..Yes I believe I will see my sunshine real soon...


Monday, September 12, 2011

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos 翻看面薄所上载的相片,发现我的宝贝真的长大了好多。孩子成长的数度是快的惊人, 真希望有一个按钮能把时间停止。


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos 这些年 一个人 风也过 雨也走 有过泪 有过错 还记得坚持甚麽 真爱过 才会懂 会寂寞 会回首 终有梦 终有你 在心中 朋友 一生一起走 那些日子 不再有 一句话 一辈子 一生情 一杯酒 朋友 不曾孤单过一声朋友 你会懂 还有伤 还有痛 还要走 还有我 这些年 一个人 风也过 雨也走 有过泪 有过错 还记得坚持甚麽 真爱过 才会懂 会寂寞 会回首 终有梦 终有你 在心中 朋友 一生一起走 那些日子 不再有 一句话 一辈子 一生情 一杯酒 朋友 不曾孤单过一声朋友 你会懂 还有伤 还有痛 还要走 还有我 朋友 一生一起走 那些日子 不再有 一句话 一辈子 一生情 一杯酒 朋友 不曾孤单过 一声朋友 你会懂 还有伤 还有痛 还要走 还有我 朋友 一生一起走 那些日子 不再有 一句话 一辈子 一生情 一杯酒 朋友 不曾孤单过 一声朋友 你会懂还有伤 还有痛 还要走 还有我 一句话 一辈子 一生情 一杯酒



Tuesday, September 6, 2011
A Day Out With The Little One

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos I wished we could do this kind of mother and son outing more often.

Happy Day for both Mummy and Son.

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