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Blog Mistress
I am an Aries. Well known for their headstrong nature.
Warm hearted, concerned about appearances in the social and personal sense, Committed to what they believe in , Courageous , Born Leader.
Aries Greatest Strength: Courage to overcome fear Aries Possible Weakness:Not finishing things you start A Full time working MUM with a little miracle born to them on 2nd March 2009. A simple woman living in her simple world with the man of her dreams since 2004. A place where I kept my little rumbles, little details of my simple life. Her Favourites- Cooking, Mahjong, Facebooking & Blogging ! Foodie Trails
Mistress Friends
Her Archives
March 2010
April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 July 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 January 2012 February 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 June 2013
Monday, May 21, 2012
First Semester Progress
Well I can just say from a parent's point of view, I had seen great improvement in his speech/singing/dance/arts. But somehow like what Auntie Di says, take it with a pinch of salt .
·However I still capture the results for my own referencing to try improve what his teacher has pointed out. But somehow disagree with the colour part as he has already know his colours since 2 ! I am amazed Teacher gave him E for that. Oh well no matter how I try to keep cool it still bothers me a little. Hopefully with the more relaxed timetable next semester I can focus more on the boy. Results Legend: E-Emerging P1- Progressing P2- Performing Labels: Education
Friday, May 11, 2012
Good Luck
I left home at 12 for prayers.
·In school since 14 20 hours where my paper only start at 19 00 hours. So I guess all I need now is this: Labels: Study
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Its here again -_-"
Yes you guess it correctly I have a paper tomorrow and I hate the feeling you think you had studied everything yet you feel like or wish you could just burn the whole book and drink it down to digest it.
More specifically, I feel like doing this to my books, though half of the books are expensive stuffs borrowed from my colleague. After tomorrow, I still have one more theory and one more practical to go and I could scream " See you in 2013 , exams !" cause the coming semester is exam free !
Now, I can just pray to Guanyin Ma :
I had been a good girl for the beginning of 2012 so pleaaaaseee bo bi (hokkien) me to get through this semester and yell:
Labels: Study
Shocking video shows woman hitting, pinching and kicking baby repeatedly
·I am so disturbed by this video. This mother deserve to be burned in hell. To you, she maybe one of your child, but to her, you are her world.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Yes this is going to be a rant post. I think the above LOL message tells it all. No I am not ranting about my husband, in fact no one is perfect since I choosen this guy to spend my life with I shall live to my decision and make the best out of it. But for mother in laws I didn't have a chance to choose mine. I guess for now most of you knows that I use to live alone with Hubby, many of my colleagues were surprised and did not understand why I give up all the freedom in the world to live with his folks. Well I shall not harp on the long past topic.
·My MIL isn't exactly the difficult type. In fact she is very good with PR and most of the aunties in my neighbourhood likes her. We did not have much conflict for household chores too because 1) I requested to hubby a helper is a must for the old folks to shift in with us as I do not think I would have the strength to settle the household chores after back from work. I do not want him to be the ham between the sandwich so for the interest for the family Hubby agreed as well. 2) My culinary skills is not as good as her hence I no longer cook at home except times when she is out of town, as I cannot stand being criticise messing up my own kitchen. Hence since culinary is her forte, I shall give up my little corner to her. So after all these examples why do I still need a rant post ? Yes I am a human afterall and I do not want my ham (hubby) to listen to anymore of my ranting hence I choose to let you suffer. Please leave if you think this update is boring. Basically our conflict sets in with my son. My mother in law has her own way of bringing up children. I am not saying she is wrong, not exactly but however she never give me any evidence based of certain things which I think is unnecessary. Yes being a medical professional, evidence is the key note for me at least some reasoning. Some examples: 1) She never allows me to feed my boy Yakult/Vitagen as she says they will cause cough since it happen to her grandson (dg's son) and he developed whooping cough from it. I always frown when she repeat this reasoning , so you are trying to tell me probiotics causes whooping cough ? Perhaps its just an unfortunate encounter but I don't think it is valid enough to deprive my son from probiotics. So eventually I seek alternative to compensate his lost of probiotics. 2) Just now I went down and picked my son up from school. She reminded me to bring an umbrella downstairs as the noon sun is scorching hot and reasoning: he just came down from an air con bus and might get sick from the change of environment. I think this sounds fair enough hence I brought 2 umbrellas down , one for the boy, one for me. Came home told her hubby bought an umbrella for the boy the other day and she can let him have it when she pick him up tomorrow. She frowned and replied usually I wouldn't allow him to walk home as the ground is very hot , might fall sick, so I will make the helper carry him home. Ok tell me the reason pls ? 3) She would always repeat whenever I feed him , yes always repeat the way of feeding him , I am his mother, wouldn't I know how to feed my own son since I have been a mother for 3 years ? I felt irritated but I just choose to shut her out and they would always intervene the way I discipline/feed/play with him. Yes very much wanted to tell them the above message as different children require different way of interacting with them. Its not necessary your grandchildren behave this way my boy follow suits. Oh the non evidence base example here is they told me cannot let children cry at night. I only come home in the evening, so tell me only can discipline on weekends ? 4) I took study leave to study at home. Yes the different treatment between your own mother and mother in law. I can't drop everything at hand, she will ask my son wake me up to bring him downstairs for school, make me go fetch him back, shower/feed him, coax him to sleep, and I guess she doesn't really understand what is study leave for. What is she doing ? Watching tv all this while. So when people comment how lucky am I to have a MIL and helper to help out, I just smile. Even my boss doesn't understand and wonders why do I need study leave to study ? When I post some unhappy status on fb, I get people commenting I thought you always say your mil is good ? Well I don't deny the fact that she is good but I am a human afterall. I need rant days so please do some intelligence commenting alright ? No doubt I get the luxury of not rushing to pick him from CC and sending him there daily, but come to think of it, I had my sacrifices along the way. I just kept reminding myself to smile :) So as not to put stress to my heart and life. Ok enough said, I guess I should be more appreciative since you can't have all the good things in life without making sacrifices. :) "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. "~Confucius Labels: mother in law
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
New addition !
Our Vaio is seriously dying on us , and so is our desktop. We have been contemplating for the longest time since we usually just use them for internet purpose, seldom bring work home. But Hubby decided to pop by the IT fair last Sunday to take a look at the bargains they have there.
A big Welcome to our new addition !
We are now proud owners of Fujitsu Laptop !
Has always heard that Fujitsu is a great brand for laptops but the superficial me always go for pretty colours and look. Oh well, I guess this red is a pretty baby as well. Don't you agree ? :)
Monday, May 7, 2012
Couple time @ Library
As a couple we never ever try dating in the library , in fact its the last place we would ever visit together since we were never really into books. After our lil boy comes along, we would go to the library together for the sake of our boy and try reading books to him often ended up in a chasing game in the children section.
·This month Hubby started his 9 month course and I have an exam coming up (yes and I am still blogging) , we desperately need to find somewhere to do our revision and impossible to do it at home with our lil terror around. Hence we decided to go 'dating' in the library. We were telling each other how funny we felt to study together which we never get to in our younger days - as I always say he is my best lover, best friend, best kin and now my best study companion. Labels: Hubby, Mummy Bean
Sunday, May 6, 2012
My lil Sunshine
Ever since I started studying last July, I had always feel that somehow I had shortchanged my time for the boy. My leave has been scheduled for studies, exams and I need to be careful utilising my leave fearing that I would be left with none for the end of year. As compared to the time when I was a SAHM, the boy seriously need his parents back hence during the weekends I would make it a point to devote my time to the boy bringing him for his favorite activities like indoor playgrounds, train rides.
My lil sunshine.
Look at that big wide smile. You can guess how happy he is. I think it doesn't matter to him what activities we are bringing him to but the companion. Dearie, Mummy promise you will have your Mummy back real soon after June yah ? Labels: baby
Saturday, May 5, 2012
·Labels: Hubby
Friday, May 4, 2012
Hubby & in laws have hinted many times I am spoiling the boy. Being a shopping queen by nature, I actually enjoy pampering him w gifts. But the main push factor is the joy of seeing his smile when his wish is being granted and excitedly playing w his new addition.
·Tonight the intended one was suppose to be a much smaller one as he has been telling me he wants a small ambulance toy. (not sure its the 胎教 or the ER shows on Youtube that spur e sudden interest in ambulance.) I guess a big one doesn't do much harm. His grin has proven my theory right. Don't he ? :)
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Woodlands Waterfront
Its labour day ! Though not exactly a perfect hols w long weekends and I had a coming paper next Friday ( which I haven start preparing at all.. naughty Mummy ) . We woke up at 6 45 in the morning today, Daddy asked me what do I want to do w the boy ? I say let us have some nature walk ?
·We decided to head down to somewhere near for a family morning : Woodlands Waterfront ! The always heard (from Mummy Di's blog) but never been before place. Pictures say a thousand words. So do you think my boys enjoy themselves ? I sure think they did ! We will definitely be back for more weekends activities (hubby even suggested we should invest in foldable bikes) :) |