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Blog Mistress
I am an Aries. Well known for their headstrong nature.
Warm hearted, concerned about appearances in the social and personal sense, Committed to what they believe in , Courageous , Born Leader.
Aries Greatest Strength: Courage to overcome fear Aries Possible Weakness:Not finishing things you start A Full time working MUM with a little miracle born to them on 2nd March 2009. A simple woman living in her simple world with the man of her dreams since 2004. A place where I kept my little rumbles, little details of my simple life. Her Favourites- Cooking, Mahjong, Facebooking & Blogging ! Foodie Trails
Mistress Friends
Her Archives
March 2010
April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 July 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 January 2012 February 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 June 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Good bye my wisdom
Finally after delaying for ages (3 years), I actually went to excise the badly decayed wisdom teeth under LA.
·Even though I had assisted this operation countless times but it feels really different when you are the patient. My heart rate was 115 and BP was 139/87. Lol Post surgery ! Actually it wasn't as bad as I thought but the pulling does traumatize me a little even though it was quite painless throughout. Even post surgery - the recovery was quite painless too ! So good choice to go as private and choose my own dental surgeon. :) The disgusting teeth that cause me countless sleepless nights. Though lesser "wisdom" now, but i am much relieved. On the route to recovery :) Labels: Wisdom Teeth Extraction
Monday, June 24, 2013
Haze found their way !
Continuation from my FB post yesterday:
·So the boy is right Haze finally found their way today. They decided to travel to our neighbors. We woke up to a welcoming sight: The boy has been confined home due to the amazing "Genting" like weather. At times you can barely see the blocks opposite. From PSI 401 to 47 , amazing improvement and I hope the Haze will continue to find their way back "home".
Sunday, June 23, 2013
I am back !
I have been lost on blogger but active on FB. Well its high time I am back because some might find me over flooding my FB with posts after posts daily (which is nothing but the truth). The truth is I had finally completed my degree (if I clear this sem) , the sudden "free time" make me lost.
·Maybe time to pick up things I enjoy doing like blogging, cooking (I kickstart it on Father's day) , badminton games, learning tennis and the list goes on. Maybe no one will be reading the blog already but I guess its a good channel to keep a record of bits and pieces of my different stages of life in case FB collapse some day (blogspot please don't die on me). Stay tune... :) Labels: Mummy Bean
Thursday, June 7, 2012
·爱?说白了其实就是一种化学反应,男女第一次渴望着对方的时候,性荷尔蒙分泌出睾酮和雌激素,这种渴望持续下去,到了陷入爱情阶段。就会分泌多巴胺和血清胺,血清胺是在爱情中最重要的物质,能让人一时处于近疯狂状态。 到了下一段,男女会持续双方的关系并希望得到更密切的结合,就会发展到***或者是结婚。这时就会分泌催产素和加压素,催产素不仅是男女之间,而且母亲给小孩喂奶的时候也会分泌,这时对于女性来说,母性和爱情是相同的,更有意思的是血清胺的这种东西,血清胺会让你无法意识到对方的缺点会挡住你的视线。 这些激素能维持高浓度的期限大概只有两年,最多三到四年.爱情的保质期也就这么长。 当时的我强烈地反对这个爱情程式,但现在的我觉得在激情过后的爱就是如此。
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
A better me, A better tomorrow
I had started fully utilising our gym facility last Sunday. Well I should have get going earlier since last year but the lazyness just subdued me and we always waste the maintenance fee by under utilising the facilities.
·And the constant studying of HDLs benefits vs LDLs is freaking me out. I ought to get my butt going for a healthier me. Nope this time round I am going to do some lifestyle modification. Not aiming to be like what I was during marriage preps but for a healthier cause and able to sustain the effects for long unlike the yoyo effects that I get from my wedding preps weightloss. For a healthier lifestyle , a better me, I will perservere !!!
Monday, May 21, 2012
First Semester Progress
Well I can just say from a parent's point of view, I had seen great improvement in his speech/singing/dance/arts. But somehow like what Auntie Di says, take it with a pinch of salt .
·However I still capture the results for my own referencing to try improve what his teacher has pointed out. But somehow disagree with the colour part as he has already know his colours since 2 ! I am amazed Teacher gave him E for that. Oh well no matter how I try to keep cool it still bothers me a little. Hopefully with the more relaxed timetable next semester I can focus more on the boy. Results Legend: E-Emerging P1- Progressing P2- Performing Labels: Education
Friday, May 11, 2012
Good Luck
I left home at 12 for prayers.
·In school since 14 20 hours where my paper only start at 19 00 hours. So I guess all I need now is this: Labels: Study |